White Water Rafting Tour Nepal Himalayas

Posted On : 28-7-2016
White Water Rafting Tour Nepal Himalayas

A Complete Guide to White Water Rafting Tour Nepal Himalayas

The tourists are asked to wear lightweight clothes during rafting so that it quickly dries up. Fleece jackets can be worn to combat the cold during the winter months. Every rafter is given life jackets that are mandatory to be worn during rafting. Waterproof bags are provided to all the tourists from the tourism agency so that the clothes do not get wet.

Trishuli is one of the most popular rivers to carry out rafting. It is ideally suited for this adventure sport. This river is easily accessible from the major cities of Kathmandu and Pokhara. There are many scenic valleys, awe-striking gorges, and exciting rapids during the course of the river. The rafters can enjoy the wonderful natural beauty of the flora and fauna of Nepal. This river is regarded as a Grade III site for rafting.

The Bhote Koshi River is another ideal river for rafting purposes. This Grade IV to V River is also famous for the natural beauty and sharp gradient. Rafting is pretty exciting here because of the gradient and hence this river offers the most exhilarating experience to the rafters. The rapids of the Bhote Koshi River are challenging as well. The scenic villages with its ever-smiling people are the added bonus along the trip.

The rafters start their journey in the morning. They stop over to have a great lunch which the devour fast because of hunger. They continue with their trip till before sunset. They stay over at predetermined locations along the river for the night. The hospitality of the local people makes up for the tiresome adventure of the day.

The adventure tour of Nepal is something that most adventure lovers from around the world look forward to. Rafting in Nepal provides the ideal location for mountain river rafting. The whole trip comes at an affordable budget and it is a lifetime experience.